Cardano Staking pool
ADALovelacePool has been providing Staking service since the early days of Shelley ITN. Our passion for a fair and decentralized world in FinTech and eventually more aspects of social life is the main purpose of our involvement in the Cardano project. The first blockchain project to be developed from a scientific philosophy, and the only one to be designed and built by a global team of leading academics and engineers. It is essential that the technology is secure, flexible and scalable for use by many millions of users. To learn more, simply browse through our site.

Our Story
Our first intro with Blockchain technology has been started back with the appearance of Bitcoin, but became intensive in 2016.
Soon enough came the realization, that no matter how evolutionary the idea of Bitcoin is, Proof Of Work protocols could not be environmentally and socially sustainable, in the long run.
There is where Cardano came to change the whole space, with the sight towards the future. A project not just a differentiation from the already known but a breakthrough.
We are the average people, with an engineering background and we had to learn everything from scratch about software and sysops. A totally fun ride, especially because of our overwhelming experience to get in touch with such an amazing community. The Cardano Community
Cardano Stakepool with the ticker:
ADALO id: cdb10209d937fc1559c635e35b9147febde5307b4a7d276f868775cd
***id: e778b14f2470ba19be2bcf811837d1f19a9cc912ff2bb6a642f6dd90
***id: 53195c685e224f2aed5dd8b32ac8eb9a9b569adf05a9300962f3bef5
***operating "silently" until bellow 100k ADA for delegators to whom retirement passed unnoticed

We aim to use a fee scheme that will enable us to be competitive, reliable and offer the best rewards to our delegators.
​0% margin fee
min fixed cost of 170 per epoch
ADALovelacePool network is running on a mix of Bare Metal and VPS infrastructure for a 24/7 availability.
7 relay nodes (across 3 continents)
2 block producing (primary and backup)